Want to help the students in your French classroom use more vocabulary? Check out these French vocabulary list sheets and ideas on how to use them!

French Vocabulary Sheets: des lexiques
Each page has a theme, such as “l’école” or “la maison”, and includes a list of common vocabulary words related to the theme and illustrations to help students understand what the words mean.
There are 32 “lexiques”:
- le printemps
- l’été
- l’automne
- l’hiver
- la ferme
- le zoo
- les métiers
- le corps
- le visage
- les nombres
- les vêtements
- l’école
- les formes géometriques et les solides
- la famille
- les pays
- les nationalités
- en ville
- les émotions
- les contes de fées
- la maison
- les sports (1)
- les sports (2)
- la mer
- l’alimentation
- les insectes
- les verbes (je/tu/on + présent d’indicatif): common basic verbs
- les verbes (je + passé composé): same verbs in the previous sheet
- L’Halloween
- Noël
- La Saint-Valentin
- La Saint-Patrick
- les couleurs
French Vocabulary Sheets: how to use them
There are many ways you can use these vocabulary sheets.
You could create a portable word wall.
Or you can add these full-page “lexiques” to your classroom writing centre.
What kind of writing centre?
Here are some things you can have your kiddos to do, depending on their level of proficiency and independence:
- copy words to improve their penmanship.
- copy words and illustrate them.
- choose 3-7 words and write sentences with the words.
- select words and write a story using all the words selected.
- spell words for a classmate to write (pair dictation).
- choose a letter and see how many words they can find that include the letter. Copy all the words.
- find rhyming words, or words that start/end with the same letter.
- sort the words by number of syllables. Write the words in columns marked 1, 2, 3, etc for the number of syllables.
You don’t really do writing centres in your classroom?
No worries, the tasks above would also be great time-fillers or activities for early-finishers!

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