French Phonics Resources
I think we can agree that French is a language with sounds that second language learners might have difficulty learning.
One way to make students’ learning easier and, why not?, more fun is to offer tons of engaging and varied activities.
Click on the resources below to find them on TpT or on Boom Learning.
French Sound Wall | This “mur de sons” includes:
- Mouth articulation illustration cards for all 36 official sounds of the French language.
- There are also cards to illustrate complex sounds, such as R-blends, L-blends, and more.
- Phoneme category headers, such as “les voyelles orales”, including options for you to choose when needed.
- This resource also includes more than 200 word cards (in colour and B&W), with highlighted graphemes and, whenever possible, images to support understanding.
- Sound posters in two different version: (1) one grapheme per poster, and (2) one sound per poster with different graphemes.
- 3-page student reference sheet.

French Phonics Cut and Paste Minibook: get your kids excited about learning French sounds!
This fun and effective activity will increase your students French phonemic awareness because it’s hands-on and simple.
French Phonics Wheels: a printable resource for you to use during “la lecture guidée” or to set up as a French literacy center (centre de littératie).

Le mot du jour – Phonics Edition: these printable worksheets are great for daily French vocabulary practice. Your students won’t feel overwhelmed because they’ll be focusing on one French word and one sound a day!
French Phonics Bracelets: these bracelets are a fun way to work on improving “la conscience phonologique”. Your kids will love to show off the French sounds they’ve just learned! Great French phonemic awareness assessment, practice, or review.

French Phonics Game: this simple and fun game will make your students work on their French sounds. This is a new twist on the classic game of 4-in-a-row (connect four). The set includes 20 different printable boards.
I’m always creating new resources, so bookmark this page for you to check it again later.
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