French Vocabulary Cards | For French Immersion

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French Halloween Freebies and Videos [updated]


Here’s a list of FREE French Halloween resources and videos because we all know how much students enjoy celebrating Halloween!

Use your students’ interest to your advantage. They’ll be super willing to practice writing, using new vocabulary, pretty much any kind of classroom task and activity as long as there’s a mummy or vampire in it 🙂

So let’s get this Halloween party started, shall we?

French Halloween Freebies and Videos: links to free printables, a set of digital task cards, and videos.

French Halloween Freebies

French Halloween Freebies and Videos: free BINGO cards that can also be used to play tic-tac-toe!

I created the cards so your students can play bingo, but you can use the cards to play tic-tac-toe as well!

Give each pair of students a card. Student 1 chooses an image. If Student 1 can name the illustration correctly, he/she gets that spot! Next, Student 2 chooses another square, and so on.

To make it more challenging, have students create sentences with the words instead of just naming the images.

Laminate the cards so kids can use dry-erase markers to make their crosses and circles in tic-tac-toe style!

French Halloween Freebies and Videos: free color-by-code worksheets. Kids color according to the sounds in the words. En français #forfrenchimmersion #frenchhalloween
French Halloween Freebies and Videos: free foldable mini-book – en français
French Halloween Freebies and Videos: free reading comprehension digital task cards (Boom Learning) – en français

This set of Boom cards will have your student working on reading comprehension.

They read simple sentences about Halloween and decide whether they’re true or false.

You can use the cards on tablets, computers, interactive whiteboards, or even projected on a screen.

Use the cards for individual practice (you can assign the set of cards for each student individually), or in whole group.

In whole group activities, you can divide the classroom into 2 teams, have students take turns reading the sentences aloud and deciding as a group what the right answer is.

You could also use this in guided reading, one-on-one assessments, etc.

French Halloween Freebies and Videos: free reading comprehension digital task cards (Boom Learning) – en français

To read more about Boom, check out previous post: French Digital Task Cards.

Updated in 2023 (new FREEBIES added)

French Halloween Resources for your French Classroom

French Halloween Videos

Here are some Halloween-themed videos for your French classroom:

  • François le fantôme
  • Halloween – chanson pour enfants
  • C’est l’Halloween
  • Citrouille en fête

Have you found any useful resources in this list?

Leave a comment and let me know!


Lucy 🙂

Read: French Halloween LAPBOOK

Read: French Phonics 101

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