How amazing would it be to create or find teaching resources that are totally self-grading, digital, and no-prep? How about some practical French digital task cards?
Well, let me introduce you to Boom Cards™!
French Digital Task Cards
If you and your students already use and love task cards and clip cards, but you are tired of printing, laminating, and cutting, Boom Cards are for you!
Or maybe you do enjoy laminating, but your school is pushing to integrate more technology into your lessons and you also want to save on paper and ink?
Boom Cards are for you too!
Why are these Boom Cards great for you and your students?
Benefits for teachers:
- save on paper: the cards work on tablets, Chromebooks, computers, any mobile device, even smartphones, no printing involved. You can even project from your computer onto a screen.
- save on prep time: you can use the cards immediately and you don’t need any fancy software. Access the cards from the Boom Learning Website or on the Boom Cards app (Apple Store or Google Play).
- save on grading time: the cards are self-grading and the program offers you performance reports so you can see how well your kids are doing.
- resources for your specific needs: you can create your own cards with the tools the website offers, which are easy to use, or you can purchase decks.
- opportunities for differentiation: you can assign different decks of cards for different groups of students
- homework alternative: students can use the cards at home because students have their own accounts, so you can assign decks as homework.

Benefits for students:
- the practice is engaging and challenging: there’s a gaming aspect to the cards – students earn points and badges for using the cards and getting the right answers
- the feedback is immediate: they learn right away if what they’re answering is right or wrong
- best of all, it’s interactive, colorful, and fun!
Read: French Verbs Bundle on Boom Learning
Boom Learning™ and Boom Cards™
You can create a free account and check out this new platform now.
Start out by getting the freebies below, which are great for kids starting Kindergarten or 1st Grade:
If you like using the French digital task cards on the platform, you might want to get an yearly membership now as they are offering introductory prices.
When you sign up for a membership, you get a set of points to spend on Boom Cards!
Creating your own Boom Cards
With an account, even a free one, you can also create your own cards. The set of drag and drop tools available on the platform allows anyone to make cards.
The cool thing is that anything can be an answer: a letter, a word, an image, anything that is clickable can be an answer. You can also embed YouTube videos on the cards and have students answer questions about it.
I plan on blogging more about how you can create your cards, so let me know if this is something that interests you.
In the meantime, check out this video about the editing features of Boom:
I’d love to know what you think!
Will Boom Cards work out for you and your students? Leave a comment at the end of the post!
As always, thank you for reading!
Lucy 🙂
Read: FREE Online Resources for French Teachers
Read: FREE Storytelling Dice
P.S. You may already know Boom Learning by another name, Omega Labs, from their award winning app Mathtopia+™, one of only 50 apps ever to be awarded 5 stars by Smart Apps for Kids.
Boom Learning is brought to you the Omega Labs team of Eric and Mary Oemig with the generous support of Rachel Lynette. Senator Eric Oemig was instrumental in passing landmark education reform in the State of Washington. He is a former CTO of two startups and is CEO of Boom Learning. Mary has founded and ran an educational cooperative and regularly volunteers in the classroom so she can learn what real teachers need. She is also an attorney who practice privacy and intellectual property law. Rachel is founder of Minds in Bloom™, author of over 120 non-fiction children’s books, all-time top three seller on Teachers Pay Teachers®.
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