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French Brain Break Dice: insects and ocean animals


Let’s be honest: we sometimes think that students are not paying attention because they don’t want to.

Of course, there might be behavioral issues in your classroom, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

Kids sometimes seem tired, bored, and unfocused. They might even verbalize that all they want to do is play.

If we’re under pressure to cover curriculum content, we might be hesitant to take a break because we don’t want to “waste” precious minutes.

But you can do something that will help revert the situation.

Just take a break. A brain break!

FREE French Brain Break Dice: insects and sea animals! Students losing focus? Or just tired? Time for a brain break! Roll these dice and get your kiddos moving and re-focusing!

French Brain Break Dice

By getting your kids to move around for even as few as two minutes, they’ll feel more energized and they’ll be able to work harder after the break.

There are many articles and studies that show the connection between body movement and enhanced cognition, so this is not just a fun thing to do.

It’s actually helping your kids learn!


Whenever students are a bit restless, or just plain tired, take a few minutes to use these dice.

FREE French Brain Break Dice: insects. Students losing focus? Or just tired? Time for a brain break! Roll these dice and get your kiddos moving and re-focusing!

FREE French Brain Break Dice: insects. Students losing focus? Or just tired? Time for a brain break! Roll these dice and get your kiddos moving and re-focusing!

Print the dice of your choice, in color or in B&W. The B&W version will look great on colored card stock.

Use a combination of one animal die (insects or sea animals) and the movement die for a fun brain break activity.

Have one kid roll the dice and everybody, including you, should try to act/move according to the dice “results”, e.g. saute comme une sauterelle, or marche comme un crabe.

FREE French Brain Break Dice: sea animals. Students losing focus? Or just tired? Time for a brain break! Roll these dice and get your kiddos moving and re-focusing!

You could also have a fun little “guessing game”, where Team A rolls the dice, but don’t let the Team B see them. Then, Team A acts/moves and Team B has to guess what they’re representing.

Feel free to find your own way of using these dice.

Read: Sea Animals Quiz on Slideshare


FREE French Brain Break Dice: sea animals. Students losing focus? Or just tired? Time for a brain break! Roll these dice and get your kiddos moving and re-focusing!

Click on any of the images to download this free set of French Brain Break Dice on TpT!


Oh, one more thing: you can also use the animals dice in this set along with the FREE storytelling dice because they’re the same size and everything matches perfectly!

And when Christmas comes around, try the FREE Christmas Brain Break Spinners!


Thank you for stopping by!


Lucy 🙂


Read: FREE Spring Vocabulary Puzzles

Read: FREE Online Resources for French Teachers


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